Hey guys, sorry that this is late- my internet crashed last night for some reason. Anyway, here are some thumbnails and a rough storyboard for my animation.
I kept my main character basically the same, just lightened his palette a little. The "normal" robot will be cloned multiple times. I figured that I didn't want the other characters to have nearly the amount of expression as the main guy- his acting will drive the story, basically. The girl robot, though, has a mouth that is capable of expression. The way I see it, when the main character is fantasizing after her, it would be funnier if the two were radically different. |
Introduce the assembly line, have the the main character push the cart down a hallway. He stops to take a breath. |
A group of the other robots walk by, laughing. He frowns, and wiggles his spaghetti arm, sad that he isn't rigid like them. |
He pretends to walk like them and mimics their face with his TV screen, but trips and face plants. But O! someone reaches to give him a helping hand. |
It's the girl robot. She helps him up, helps him stack up the boxes, and they wave goodbye. |
He looks after her, smiles a dopey grin, and goes about his business, fantasizing about a love life with the female robot. |
Back at the assembly line, the man character isn't paying attention to his duties, the stack of boxes gets too high, and it topples over. |
The regular robots are pissed, and they swarm in. The main character cowers in the corner. However, the girl bot jumps in the way, but is knocked down by the other robots. |
The main character is mad now. He picks up the girl robot, and using his special ability, he runs away from the city. |
The girl bot's eye opens, and they are in a field. The two of them walk into the sunset. The End!! |
I like your main character because to me he's funny when he's not suppose to be. The slapping action in this piece is hilarious too and I know that's not suppose to be funny either but it is. I like the direction you are going with this and I feel it will be interesting to see.