Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Travel Fellowship Proposal, Timeline, and Budget

         Ever since I was young, I’ve drawn the world around me. Buildings, people, animals- any and every thing was subject to my gaze, my #2 pencil, and my sketchbook. The world didn’t exist for any other purpose except for my creative endeavors.
As I’ve grown, that mindset of continually gathering inspiration from my surroundings has only grown. Since coming to the Memphis College of Art and having my artistic mind kindled, my passion for my art making has grown strong. My surroundings influence me substantially. The autumn colors of Overton Park, the geometry of Rust hall, the tables at a local pizza joint- every thing feeds into my head and brings me new ideas.
It’s this compulsion to draw inspiration from everything that has prompted me to apply for the Travel Fellowship Scholarship. While there are many things here in Memphis I love, the chance to leave the country and experience new places and new cultures is the chance of a lifetime, and I won’t pass it up. 
Going to Italy has always been a fantasy of mine, and there is no place in the world I would rather visit then Venice. The city, with it’s truly unique atmosphere and architecture, fascinates me. It is here that I would choose to investigate. For my project, I propose me going to Venice and doing what I truly love- draw from my surroundings. I would explore the city, experiencing it’s culture, it’s architecture, and it’s beauty. Taking with me my sketchbook, I’d fill every page with ideas for projects which I could then apply to my art: animation.
Animation is one of the purest forms of visual storytelling. No other art form breathes as much life into an idea, literally giving movement to line, form and color. I would take the findings and experiences I obtained from my venture into Venice and funnel them into an animation that would combine the beauty of the city and culture with my aesthetic. This coupling would make a piece that at once defines me as an artist, as well as my experiences in Italy. Then, taking the piece, I would make a web page dedicated to my trip. Documenting my journey from the start, the website will include journal entries, my sketchbook pages, and then the culmination of the experience as seen in my animation in a clearly organized timeline.
Of course, if I want to do this, I must also have the knowledge to carry it out. The question of whether or not I have the ability, drive, and the equipment to carry out this project is answered with a resounding yes. MCA has given me processes and knowledge I can use to both accumulate and utilize the data I would get from the trip, and I have also recently acquired a copy of ToonBoom Animate Pro, a professional grade animation program I would use in the construction of my final piece.
Attached with this proposal is both a timeframe, which I will adhere to adamantly to ensure efficient working, and a budget, which I will use to ensure the awarded scholarship is used effectively.
Venice is one of the most inspiring cities in the world, entrenched in culture and inspiration ripe for me to utilize. The Travel Fellowship Scholarship would allow me to not only experience this city, but also to create documentation and work that would truly draw from that experience. 

  • June 2, 2012- June 17, 2012: Depart from New Orleans, La. and arrive in Venice, Italy. Spend two weeks abroad, studying and drawing from the city and culture. On the 17, return to New Orleans.
  • June 18, 2012- July 25, 2012: Work on and complete an animation drawing inspiration from the accumulated data and experiences of Venice.
  • July 26, 2012- August 31, 2012: Work on and complete a website dedicated to the trip, encompassing all journal entries, sketchbook pages, and the finished animation in an orderly timeline.
  • Airfare (round trip): $1680
  • Accommodations: $1500
  • Food: $300
  • Emergency Funds: $200

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